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Postpartum Care From Anywhere

Dr. Leticia S. Jacquet

Updated: Mar 15, 2020

Keeping our Patients Safe

Little Antz takes your health serious.

Given the current heightened health concerns, I want to highlight our remote virtual options.

Research has shown that virtual and in person sessions demonstrate equal efficacy for most conditions/ diagnoses. As with your in-office sessions, all virtual sessions are conducted in a manner that ensures your privacy; all are administered via HIPAA compliant platforms. Additionally, you can do these sessions from the comfort of your home.

Our virtual appointments are scheduled during our regular office hours and we offer a few late evening options for your convenience.

For more information schedule your free Complementary Discovery Call or email us at to learn more.

If an in-office visit is your preference, we want you to know that our treatment tables are covered with disposable table covers that are changed after every use, dirty blankets are placed in the laundry basket and washed at the end of each day and all mats, exercise equipment and toys are wiped down with disinfectant spray regularly. Hands are washed/sanitized between each client and we also ask that all patients to wash or sanitize your hands prior to their session. We have hand sanitizer in the office and a bathroom with soap in the office.

Schedule you in office visit here: Physical Therapy Visit.

We thank you for trusting us with your care and for giving us the opportunity to serve you.

Best regards,

Dr. LJ

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